Bend Auto Accident Chiropractor
Thorough Healing from the Inside out

Dr. Ward can help you recover from auto injuries!
Were you recently in a car accident? Even the smallest fender benders can create traumas in your spine and neck. Sometimes aches, pains and whiplash take time to show up which is why it’s always good to get checked right away.
Dr. Ward can ensure that your spine is healthy, and if not, he’ll work with you to help you heal.
Chiropractic Care. Dr. Ward will examine you and take X-rays to see the exact condition of your spine. He’ll work to relieve any pain immediately and restore mobility to your neck and spine through gentle chiropractic adjustments.
Rehabilitation. Dr. Ward will show you therapeutic-based exercises and stretches to help you heal and lightly strengthen muscles damaged from the accident. If you’d like, Dr. Ward can help set up a treatment plan for your full recovery and wellness.
If you’ve been in an auto accident and you feel fine or already feel aches and pains, Dr. Ward wants to help. Call (541) 610-9662 today and get started on your road to healing.